Wharton Edith
Źródło opisu
Forma i typ
Sekuła Aleksandra
Kozioł Paweł
Bekker Alfred
Vandenberg Patricia
Kotwica Wojciech
Wharton Edith
Kowalska Dorota
Doyle Arthur Conan
Wallace Edgar
Cartland Barbara
Kochanowski Jan
Shakespeare William
Dickens Charles
Buchner Friederike von
Hackett Pete
Maybach Viola
Waidacher Toni
Konopnicka Maria
Twain Mark
Verne Jules
Sienkiewicz Henryk
May Karl
Poe Edgar Allan
Kraszewski Józef Ignacy
Krzyżanowski Julian
Otwinowska Barbara
London Jack
Montgomery Lucy Maud
Dönges Günter
Mahr Kurt
Boy-Żeleński Tadeusz
Darlton Clark
Leśmian Bolesław
Ewers H.G
May Karol
Донцова Дарья
Vega Lope de
Barca Pedro Calderón de la
Mickiewicz Adam
Trzeciak Weronika
Kühnemann Andreas
Калинина Дарья
Krasicki Ignacy
Francis H.G
Conrad Joseph
Austen Jane
Vlcek Ernst
Barner G.F
Autores Varios
Andersen Hans Christian
Chávez José Pérez
Ellmer Arndt
Orzeszkowa Eliza
Stevenson Robert Louis
Oppenheim E. Phillips
Palmer Roy
Wells H. G
Voltz William
Balzac Honoré de
Kipling Rudyard
Goethe Johann Wolfgang von
Słowacki Juliusz
Howard Robert E
Goliński Zbigniew
Hałas Jacek "Stranger"
Bazán Emilia Pardo
Baczyński Krzysztof Kamil
Dug Katarzyna
King Stephen
Mark William
Alcott Louisa May
Hoffmann Horst
Kneifel Hans
Brand Max
Wilde Oscar
Żeromski Stefan
Verne Juliusz
Кир Булычев
Courths-Mahler Jadwiga
Александрова Наталья
Kayser-Darius Nina
Woolf Virginia
McMason Fred
Jachowicz Stanisław
Haensel Hubert
Колычев Владимир
Rawinis Marian Piotr
Головачёв Василий
Collins Wilkie
Rodziewiczówna Maria
Courths-Mahler Hedwig
Leblanc Maurice
Scott Walter
Fischer Marie Louise
Grey Zane
Orwell George
Lech Justyna
Suchanek Andreas
Cooper James Fenimore
Anton Uwe
Thurner Michael Marcus
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
Kraj wydania
85 wyników Filtruj
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Edith Wharton was born to a wealthy New York family and spent her life among artists, politicians and influential people in society. Among the people of his coexistence were Henry James and F. Scott Fitzgerald. Wharton has fluid prose, is an excellent satirist and his horror tales (a lesser known part of his legacy) deserve special attention.In this work you will find seven specially selected short stories to provide an overview of Edith Wharton's ever-present and eclectic work.The Triumph of NightThe PelicanThe Fullness Of LifeApril ShowersA JourneyAfterwardXingu
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Mrs. Wharton's story is the simple one of John Campton, the great American painter, whose only son, born in France, is subject to military service. The father, his divorced wife, and her banking husband all interest themselves to keep the boy out of danger, but he eludes their care and while ostensibly on staff work he is really with his regiment at the front. He is wounded, recovers, goes back, is wounded again and returns to die. The theme of the novel is American participation in the war, dramatized by the conversion of John Campton from a position of indifferent neutrality at the outset to a conviction that no 'civilized man could afford to stand aside from such a conflict.' Its substance is the goings and comings of Campton among all sorts of people, his humble French servants, his distinguished Parisian friends, his nondescript fellow countrymen, each of whom represents some attitude towards the War.
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Bunner Sisters / Edith Wharton. - [miejsce nieznane] : KtoCzyta.pl : Legimi, 2020.
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Originally published in 1916, but actually written in 1890, „Bunner Sisters” is a compelling, heartbreaking little novella about two sisters, who have never been apart, struggling to eek an existence as small shopkeepers on the margins of late nineteenth-century society in New York. They barely make enough money to live on. But when Ann Eliza the elder buys Evelina the younger a clock that does not work for her birthday, the sisters commence a relationship with Herbert Ramy, who operates a „queer little” shop, setting in motion a series of events that will prove to be everyone’s undoing. Edith Wharton provides a vivid description of the life of shop keepers and their friends in the poorer urban areas of New York City.
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Bunner Sisters Edith Wharton - "Bunner Sisters," written in 1892 but not published until 1916 in Xingu and Other Stories, takes place in a shabby neighborhood in New York City. The two Bunner sisters, Ann Eliza the elder, and Evelina the younger, keep a small shop selling artificial flowers and small handsewn articles to Stuyvesant Square's "female population."Ann Eliza gives Evelina a clock for her birthday. The clock leads the sisters to become involved with Herbert Ramy, owner of "the queerest little store you ever laid eyes on." Soon Ramy is a regular guest of the Bunner sisters, who realize that their "treadmill routine," once so comfortable, is now "intolerably monotonous."
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Certain People / Edith Wharton. - [miejsce nieznane] : idb : Legimi, 2018.
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Charlie Durand, Professor of Romance Languages in a western University, had been spending the first weeks of a hard-earned Sabbatical holiday in wandering through Flanders and Belgium, and on the fatal second of August had found himself at Louvain, whose University, a year or two previously, had honoured him with a degree. On the advice of the American consul he had left Belgium at once, and, deeply disturbed by the dislocation of his plans, had carried his shaken nerves to a lost corner of Normandy, where he had spent the ensuing weeks in trying to think the war would soon be over. It was not that he was naturally hard or aloof about it, or wanted to be; but the whole business was so contrary to his conception of the universe, and his fagged mind, at the moment, was so incapable of prompt readjustment, that he needed time to steady himself. Besides, his conscience told him that his first duty was to get back unimpaired to the task which just enabled him to keep a mother and two sisters above want. His few weeks on the continent had cost much more than he had expected, and most of his remaining francs had gone to the various appeals for funds that penetrated even to his lost corner; and he decided that the prudent course (now that everybody said the war was certainly going to last till November) would be to slip over to cheap lodgings in London, and bury his nose in the British Museum.
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Originally published in 1901, „Crucial Instances” is the second collection of six short stories connected, as the title suggests, by a hinging moment in the narrative through which the plot alters dramatically. The contents included the following: „The Duchess at Prayer”, „The Angel at the Grave”, „The Recovery”, „Copy: A Dialogue”, „The Rembrandt”, „The Moving Finger” and „The Confessional”.This is a great collection of stories, where Edith Wharton shows her wide range of talents, from those with a bit of a horror feel, to ones which just make the reader feel good. There is one „Dialogue” or play, several written in third person, several in first person, written from a man’s point of view and some from a woman’s. All of them are carefully crafted to show a particular attitude or character or scene in great detail. Highly recommended!
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Los cuentos inquietantes aquí reunidos, buena parte de los cuales han permanecido inéditos en castellano hasta hoy, lo son cada uno a su manera. Algunos se escoran levemente hacia lo sobrenatural, en la línea de los geniales relatos de fantasmas de Henry James, historias en las que el elemento ultraterreno sobrevuela la cotidianidad de modo casi imperceptible: sutilmente invasivo, tan evanescente en ocasiones que la duda atenaza al lector hasta el final provocándole una deliciosa inquietud. Y en otros (más desasosegantes si cabe, por cuanto prescinden de lo asombroso) el misterio se oculta en la propia mente, en las ambiguas actitudes de personajes que se nos antojan perturbadores gracias a la pericia de la autora para manejarse en los meandros de su psicología. Una auténtica obra maestra de lo oscuro que se esconde tras lo cotidiano.
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A comienzos del XX el viaje a Europa era un género tan popular como desgastado. Lo que aporta Edith Wharton es ímpetu y gozo, horror a los caminos trillados, una mirada perspicaz y un bagaje intelectual asombroso. Vida, arte y escritura se alían para contrarrestar los angostos interiores de Vieja Nueva York o La edad de la inocencia, su mundo, al que contrapuso la exaltación del horizonte inabarcable. Una de las primeras norteamericanas en tener coche propio, contagió su pasión por la carretera a su amigo Henry James, que la nombró el "Águila Dorada". El coche, "en su vertiginoso pasar", permitía explorar carreteras secundarias, lugares ensimismados y desconocidos. Esta antología de textos de viaje, que recopila la profesora Teresa Gómez Reus, extrae ejemplos de su mirada nada convencional cuando se asoma al Monte Athos, muestra su pasmosa erudición en Italia, Francia o España, o posa una mirada femenina y crítica sobre la sordidez de los harenes en Marruecos, "sepulcros blanqueados", con "una concepción de la vida sexual y doméstica que se basa en el esclavismo". España le fascinó desde que la transitara con su familia en destartalas diligencias a la edad de cuatro años. Ya en su madurez hizo repetidas incursiones desde su hogar en Francia, varias de ellas con el gran amor de su vida, Walter Berry. Con él viaja por Cataluña y las dos Castillas, y recorre el Camino de Santiago. Su Viaje por España en cuatro ruedas iba a ser uno de sus últimos libros de viaje que, por desgracia, no llegó a escribir. Algunos de sus breves textos y el diario conciso de las rutas que realizó se han incluido en esta antología como evidencia de su genuina atracción por nuestro país.
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Der Prüfstein / Edith Wharton. - [miejsce nieznane] : Dörlemann : Legimi, 2014.
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Als er zufällig eine Anzeige im Spectator liest, erkennt Stephen Glennard darin den Weg, ein neues Leben zu beginnen und die Hand der schönen Alexa Trent zu gewinnen. In seinem Besitz befindet sich etwas von höchstem Wert: Briefe, die ihm die große verstorbene Autorin Margaret Aubyn vor Jahren geschrieben hat. Alles, was er tun muß, ist sein schlechtes Gewissen beruhigen und ihre Briefe gegen einen hohen Vorschuß einem Verlag anbieten. Die Publikation von Mrs Aubyns Briefen wird ein großer Erfolg, das Buch ein Bestseller und der Gesprächsstoff der gehobenen New Yorker Gesellschaft, zu der Glennards neu erworbener Reichtum ihm nun Zutritt verschafft. Die Faszination der Leser liegt in der Anonymität des Mannes, den Aubyn so geliebt hat.
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Los libros de Wharton son testimonio de las transformaciones que sufría Nueva York a principios del siglo XX, de las grandes mansiones frente a Central Park hasta las zonas de los obreros explotados, reducidos a una vida indigna en sus diminutos departamentos. A pesar de que no apoyó ni el movimiento sufragista de las mujeres ni el feminismo de su época, las protagonistas de estos dos relatos, y de buena parte de sus libros, son mujeres fuertes, apasionadas y decididas. Son personajes que establecen relaciones importantes y complejas con otras mujeres, de amistad y antagonismo -lejos de los estereotipos que predominan en el canon literario- y que toman las riendas de su destino, incluso cuando se encuentran en la desesperanza más absoluta. Sirvan estos dos relatos para quienes no conocen a la autora, para quienes han leído sus novelas -más famosas que sus cuentos- y para quienes tienen la suerte de releer dos historias que crecen con cada nueva lectura.
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Duchy i ludzie / Edith Wharton. - [miejsce nieznane] : Saga Egmont : Legimi, 2022.
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Życie przedstawicieli amerykańskiej arystokracji zdaje się spokojne i radosne. W rzeczywistości za murami wystawnych domów często skrywa się zdrada, małżeńska przemoc, poczucie samotności, toksyczne relacje. A do tego niejednokrotnie przypominają o sobie duchy przodków lub dawnych mieszkańców. Ingerencja sił nadprzyrodzonych jednym bohaterom pomaga wyjść z opresji, a innym wymierza sprawiedliwość - zawsze jednak budzi przestrach czytelnika. Idealna lektura dla miłośników subtelnej grozy w stylu Mary E. Wilkins Freeman. -
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Edith Wharton's 'New Year's Day, False Dawn, The Old Maid & The Spark' is a collection of four of her lesser-known works that showcase Wharton's prowess as a writer of domestic dramas. Each novella delves into the intricacies of society, relationships, and the human psyche, with a keen eye for detail and a nuanced understanding of human nature. Wharton's writing style in these works is characterized by its elegant prose and incisive social commentary, making this collection a must-read for fans of classic literature. Set against the backdrop of the Gilded Age, Wharton's exploration of love, betrayal, and self-discovery remains relevant and compelling to modern readers. As a prominent figure in American literature, Edith Wharton's own experiences navigating the complexities of high society and personal relationships undoubtedly influenced her writing. Known for her keen observations of the social norms and expectations of her time, Wharton brings a unique perspective to each of the four novellas in this collection. Her attention to detail and ability to create fully-realized characters make 'New Year's Day, False Dawn, The Old Maid & The Spark' a captivating read for anyone interested in exploring the nuances of human behavior and societal conventions. I highly recommend 'New Year's Day, False Dawn, The Old Maid & The Spark' to readers who appreciate classic literature, nuanced character studies, and thought-provoking social commentary. Wharton's ability to illuminate the complexities of human relationships and societal expectations makes this collection a timeless and engaging read for those looking to delve into the depths of the human experience.
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Welcome to the Essential Novelists book series, were we present to you the best works of remarkable authors. For this book, the literary critic August Nemo has chosen the two most important and meaningful novels of Edith Wharton which are The Age of InnocenceandEthan Frome. Edith Wharton is best known for her stories and novels about the upper-class society into which she was born. Novels selected for this book: - The Age of Innocence - Ethan Frome This is one of many books in the seriesEssential Novelists. If you liked this book, look for the other titles in the series, we are sure you will like some of the authors.
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Niezwykła opowieść o prawdziwych uczuciach, wewnętrznym rozdarciu, samotności i namiętności przeplatanej z życiowymi rozterkami.Powieść przedstawia nam historię angielskiego farmera Ethana Frome’a, który porzuca swe ambicje by poświęcić się gospodarstwu oraz schorowanej żonie Zeenie. Brak miłości i satysfakcji ze związku rodzi u bohaterów frustracje i samotność. Wszystko zmienia się gdy do gospodarstwa wprowadza się Meetie, młoda kuzynka Zeenie. Namiętny romans rodzący się pomiędzy tytułowym Ethanem a Meetie daje mężczyźnie drugi oddech, rozbudza uśpione serce, stając się tym samym jego największym życiowym ciężarem…Losy bohaterów pozwalają nam sięgnąć do głęboko ukrytych pragnień i instynktów, które zwykle skutecznie hamowane są przez wewnętrzne morale i konwenanse.
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Ethan Frome / Edith Wharton. - [miejsce nieznane] : Jovian Press : Legimi, 2017.
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Ethan Frome works his unproductive farm and struggles to maintain a bearable existence with his difficult, suspicious, and hypochondriac wife, Zeena. But when Zeena's vivacious cousin enters their household as a "hired girl", Ethan finds himself obsessed with her and with the possibilities for happiness she comes to represent.
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Ethan Frome / Edith Wharton. - [miejsce nieznane] : KtoCzyta.pl : Legimi, 2020.
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In the early years of the 20th century, life on a farm in Massachusetts is not easy. The New England winters are hard; snow and ice cover the fields for months, and the nights are long and cold. For a poor farmer like Ethan Frome, life has few bright moments. He works his unproductive farm and struggles to maintain a bearable existence with his difficult, suspicious and hypochondriac wife, Zeena. But when Zeena’s young and beautiful cousin Mattie Silver enters their household as a „hired girl”, Ethan finds himself obsessed with her and with the possibilities for happiness she comes to represent. Edith Wharton’s „Ethan Frome” is a classic of American Literature, with compelling characters trapped in circumstances from which they seem unable to escape.
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Ethan Frome works his unproductive farm and struggles to maintain a bearable existence with his difficult, suspicious, and hypochondriac wife, Zeena. But when Zeena's vivacious cousin enters their household as a "hired girl", Ethan finds himself obsessed with her and with the possibilities for happiness she comes to represent.
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Ethan Frome / Edith Wharton. - [miejsce nieznane] : marixverlag : Legimi, 2017.
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In dem freudlosen, abgeschiedenen Ort Starkfield in Neuengland, der die meiste Zeit des Jahres im Schnee versinkt, sind auch die Gefühle der Menschen zu Eis erstarrt. Die Pulitzerpreisträgerin Edith Wharton erzählt von einer untergegangenen Welt, die in den Figuren ihres berührenden Romans erschreckend lebendig wird. Den Farmer Ethan Frome verbindet eine Dreiecksbeziehung mit seiner Frau und deren jüngerer Cousine Mattie. Ihr Leben ist geprägt von Liebe und Einsamkeit, von sexueller Frustration und moralischer Verzweiflung. Eine archetypische Geschichte von leidenschaftlichem Aufbegehren und tragischer Passivität, von Sprachlosigkeit und der Unfähigkeit, dem Schicksal zu entrinnen. Ein kompositorisches Meisterwerk, pure Erzählmagie!
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Ethan Frome Edith Wharton - Ethan Frome is a 1911 book by American author Edith Wharton. It is set in the fictitious town of Starkfield, Massachusetts. The novel was adapted into a film, Ethan Frome, in 1993.The novel is a framed narrative. The framing story concerns an unnamed male narrator spending a winter in Starkfield while in the area on business. He spots a limping, quiet man around the village, who is somehow compelling in his demeanor and carriage. This is Ethan Frome, who is a lifelong resident and a local fixture of the community. Frome is described by the narrator as "the most striking figure in Starkfield", "the ruin of a man" with a "careless powerful look ... in spite of a lameness checking each step like the jerk of a chain". Curious, the narrator sets out to learn about him. He learns that Frome's limp arose from having been injured in a "smash-up" twenty-four years before, but further details are not forthcoming, and the narrator fails to learn much more from Frome's fellow townspeople other than that Ethan's attempt at higher education decades before was thwarted by the sudden illness of his father following an injury, forcing his return to the farm to assist his parents, never to leave again. Because people seem not to wish to speak other than in vague and general terms about Frome's past, the narrator's curiosity grows, but he learns little more. Chance circumstances arise that allow the narrator to hire Frome as his driver for a week. A severe snowstorm during one of their journeys forces Frome to allow the narrator to shelter at his home one night. Just as the two are entering Frome's house, the prologue ends and the framed story begins. The narration switches from the first-person narrator of the prologue to a limited third-person narrator. We then embark on the "first" chapter (Chapter I), which takes place twenty-four years prior.
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Ethan Frome is a novella by the Pulitzer Prize-winning American author Edith Wharton. It is set in the fictitious town of Starkfield, Massachusetts. The novel was adapted into a film, Ethan Frome, in 1993. The novel is framed by the literary device of an extended flashback. The prologue opens with an unnamed male narrator spending a winter in Starkfield, a fictional town in New England, while in the area on business. He spots a limping, quiet man around the village, who is somehow compelling in his demeanor and carriage. Curious, the narrator sets out to learn about him. He learns that Frome's limp arose from having been injured in a "smash-up" twenty-four years before, but further details are not forthcoming. Chance circumstances arise that allow the narrator to hire Frome as his driver for a week. A severe snowstorm during one of their journeys forces Frome to allow the narrator to shelter at his home one night. Just as the two are entering Frome's house, the prologue ends. We then embark on the "first" chapter (Chapter I), which takes place twenty-four years prior. The narration switches from the first-person narrator of the prologue to a limited third-person narrator. In Chapter I, Ethan is waiting outside a church dance to walk home Mattie, his wife's cousin, who has for a year lived with Ethan and his sickly wife, Zeena (Zenobia), in order to help out around the house and farm. It is quickly clear that Ethan has feelings for Mattie. It also becomes clear that Zeena has observed enough to understand that he has these feelings and resents them.
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