Defoe Daniel
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Defoe Daniel
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117 wyników Filtruj
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Daniel Defoe's 'The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe' is a timeless classic that follows the journey of a shipwrecked man on a deserted island. The book is written in a realistic and detailed style, reflecting the author's journalistic background. Defoe's depiction of Crusoe's survival skills and psychological development resonates with readers as they witness his transformation from a castaway to a self-sufficient explorer. The inclusion of illustrations in this complete edition enriches the reading experience and provides visual context to Crusoe's adventures. Originally published in 1719, the novel serves as a prime example of early English novels incorporating themes of adventure, self-reliance, and colonialism. Defoe's intricate narrative style and attention to detail make 'The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe' a captivating read that continues to be celebrated for its lasting impact on literature. I highly recommend this book to readers interested in exploring the themes of survival, isolation, and human resilience in a compelling narrative that stands the test of time.
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This carefully crafted collection is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents: A General History of the Robberies and Murders of the Most Notorious Pirates (Captain Charles Johnson) Book of Pirates: Fiction, Fact & Fancy (Howard Pyle) The Book of Buried Treasure: Being a True History of the Gold, Jewels, and Plate of Pirates (Ralph D. Paine) The Pirates Own Book: Authentic Narratives of the Most Celebrated Sea Robbers (Charles Ellms) Sea-Wolves of the Mediterranean (Currey E. Hamilton) The Pirates of Panama (A True Account by a Pirate) (John Esquemeling) The Story of the Barbary Corsairs (J. D. Jerrold Kelley and Stanley Lane-Poole) The Pirate Gow (Daniel Defoe) The King of Pirates (Daniel Defoe)
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This carefully crafted ebook: "The Complete Adventures of Robinson Crusoe – 3 Books in One Volume (Illustrated)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe relates the story of a man's shipwreck on a desert island and his subsequent adventures. Epistolary, confessional, and didactic in form, the book is presented as an autobiography of the title character —a castaway who spends thirty years on a remote tropical island near Trinidad, encountering cannibals, captives, and mutineers, before ultimately being rescued. The story has been perceived to be based on the life of Alexander Selkirk, a Scottish castaway who lived for four years on a Pacific island called "Más a Tierra", now part of Chile, which was renamed Robinson Crusoe Island in 1966. The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe describes how Crusoe settled in Bedford, married and produced a family, and that when his wife died, he went off on further adventures. Crusoe first returns to his island, and after that, circumstances take him off to Madagascar, then to Southeast Asia and China, and finally to Siberia. The story is speculated to be partially based on Moscow embassy secretary Adam Brand's journal detailing the embassy's journey from Moscow to Peking from 1693 to 1695. Serious Reflections of Robinson Crusoe is a collection of essays on spiritual and ethical subjects, written supposedly by Robinson Crusoe in his old years as he contemplates on the story of his life. Though sometimes noticeably dreary, it is quite interesting at some points, as it reveals some Defoe's ideas about morality and religion. Daniel Defoe (1660-1731), was an English writer, journalist, and spy, most famous for his novel Robinson Crusoe. Defoe is noted for being one of the earliest proponents of the novel, and he is considered one of the founders of the English novel.
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This carefully crafted ebook: "THE COMPLETE HISTORY OF THE PIRATES – A Detailed Account of the Robberies and Exploits of the Most Notorious Pirates: 4 Books in One Volume (Illustrated)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. A General History of the Pirates contains biographies of early 18th century pirates, which was influential in shaping popular conceptions of pirates. It is the prime source for the biographies of many well-known pirates and the author sticks close to the available sources. The History of the Pirates is a sequel to A General History of the Pyrates and it is considered one of Defoe's most remarkable neglected works. In this volume Defoe records the exploits of pirates who lived a few decades earlier. The book has been hugely influential in shaping popular notions of piracy. The King of Pirates is supposed to be an account of the pirate Henry Avery, known by contemporaries as "The Arch Pirate" and "The King of Pirates", and widely believed stories of Avery's pirate republic. Avery's account is presented in two long letters written by himself, one in Madagascar, and the other during the escape. The Pirate Gow is an account of John Gow, a notorious pirate whose short career was immortalized by Defoe. Gow had a successful career as a pirate around the Iberian Peninsula, but he was captured and hanged in London. Gow also served as the model for Captain Cleveland in Sir Walter Scott's novel The Pirate. Daniel Defoe (1660-1731), was an English writer, journalist, and spy, most famous for his novel Robinson Crusoe. Defoe is noted for being one of the earliest proponents of the novel, and he is considered one of the founders of the English novel.
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This carefully crafted ebook: "The Consolidator - Memoirs of Sundry Transactions from the World in the Moon (Fantasy Classic)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. The Consolidator or, Memoirs of Sundry Transactions from the World in the Moon is a satirical novel that mixes fantasy with political and social satire. The narrator travels to the moon mostly to get a dispassionate and crushingly granular view of recent and contemporary British political history. The consolidator is a mean of transport that is used to get to the moon – a chariot with two feathered winged creatures, each of them representing the houses of parliament. Daniel Defoe (1660-1731), born Daniel Foe, was an English trader, writer, journalist, pamphleteer, and spy, most famous for his novel Robinson Crusoe. Defoe is noted for being one of the earliest proponents of the novel, as he helped to popularize the form in Britain with others such as Samuel Richardson, and is among the founders of the English novel. He was a prolific and versatile writer, producing more than five hundred books, pamphlets, and journals on various topics, including politics, crime, religion, marriage, psychology, and the supernatural.
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Daniel Defoe's 'The Consolidator' is a compelling fantasy classic that takes readers on a journey through a fantastical world filled with social commentary and political satire. Written in Defoe's characteristic style of realism and vivid detail, the book explores themes of power, corruption, and human nature. Set in a utopian society where science and reason prevail, the novel challenges traditional notions of governance and societal structure, making it a thought-provoking read for those interested in political philosophy and speculative fiction. Defoe's skillful storytelling and imaginative world-building make 'The Consolidator' a captivating and unique addition to the fantasy genre, blending elements of satire and adventure to create a truly one-of-a-kind literary experience. Daniel Defoe, known for his groundbreaking work in the novel form with 'Robinson Crusoe,' brings his expertise in storytelling and social commentary to 'The Consolidator,' offering readers a glimpse into his intricate mind and keen observations on human behavior. With its timeless themes and engaging narrative, 'The Consolidator' is a must-read for fans of classic literature and fantasy alike, offering a fresh perspective on the intersections of politics, power, and society.
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Written in a time when criminal biographies enjoyed great success, Daniel Defoe’s „The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders” (aka „Moll Flanders”) details the life of the irresistible Moll and her struggles through poverty and sin in search of property and power. Born in Newgate prison and abandoned six months later, Moll Flanders’ drive to find and hold on to a secure place in society propels her through incest, adultery, bigamy, prostitution and a resourceful career as a thief before her crimes catch up with her, and she is transported to the colony of Virginia in the New World. The bawdy story of Moll Flanders vividly illustrates Defoe’s themes of social mobility and predestination, sin, redemption, reward and woman’s struggle for independence.
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Having returned safely home, Robinson Crusoe marries and starts a family. Peace is not for Robinson, he hardly hangs out in England for several years: thoughts about the island are haunted him day and night. He even buys a farm, intends to engage in rural labor, to which he is so accustomed. After the death of his wife, nothing else keeps him in England, Robinson is overcome by the old wanderlust, and sets out with his faithful companion Friday to see his island once again. Thus begins a journey which will last ten years and nine months, in which Crusoe travels over the world, along the way facing dangers and discoveries in Madagascar, China, and Siberia. As he continues to journey, it becomes clear that he is happiest when wandering, and we begin to wonder if he will ever return home again.
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The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe - a novel by Daniel Defoe, an English trader, writer and spy. He is most famous for his novel Robinson Crusoe, which is claimed to be second only to the Bible in its number of translations. The book starts with the statement about Crusoe's marriage in England. He bought a little farm in Bedford and had three children: two sons and one daughter. Our hero suffered a distemper and a desire to see "his island." He could talk of nothing else, and one can imagine that no one took his stories seriously, except his wife. She told him, in tears, "I will go with you, but I won't leave you." But in the middle of this felicity, Providence unhinged him at once, with the loss of his wife.
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The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe Daniel Defoe - The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe is a novel by Daniel Defoe, first published in 1719. Just as in its significantly more popular predecessor, Robinson Crusoe (1719), the first edition credits the work's fictional protagonist Robinson Crusoe as its author. It was published under the considerably longer original title: The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe;Being the Second and Last Part of His Life, And of the Strange Surprising Accounts of his Travels Round three Parts of the Globe. Although intended to be the last Crusoe tale, the novel is followed by a non-fiction book involving Crusoe by Defoe entitled Serious Reflections During the Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe: With his Vision of the Angelick World (1720).
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Daniel Defoe's 'The History of the Devil' is a groundbreaking work that delves into the religious, philosophical, and moral aspects of the concept of evil. Written in a captivating narrative style, Defoe explores the origins of the Devil, his role in different cultures and religious traditions, and his influence on humanity throughout history. The book provides a thought-provoking analysis of the nature of evil, inviting readers to contemplate the complex relationship between good and evil in the world. Defoe's astute observations and keen insights make this book a significant contribution to the study of theology and ethics in literature. 'The History of the Devil' is a must-read for anyone interested in exploring the darker aspects of human nature and the eternal struggle between good and evil. Defoe's expertise as a writer and thinker shines through in this compelling and enlightening work.
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This carefully crafted ebook: "THE HISTORY OF THE DEVIL – Exploration of the Devil's Role in the History of Civilization: The Political and the Religious Aspects" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. The Political History of the Devil is a philosophical work in which Defoe explores the role of the Devil in the history of civilization. It may be said that his view on this topic is that of an 18th-century Presbyterian – he blames the Devil for the Crusades and sees him as close to Europe's Catholic powers. General scholarly opinion is that Defoe really did think of the Devil as a participant in world history. He spends some time discussing Milton's Paradise Lost and explaining why he considers it inaccurate. Daniel Defoe (1660-1731) was an English trader, writer, journalist, pamphleteer, and spy, most famous for his novel Robinson Crusoe. Defoe is noted for being one of the earliest proponents of the novel, as he helped to popularize the form in Britain with others such as Samuel Richardson, and is among the founders of the English novel. He was a prolific and versatile writer, producing more than five hundred books, pamphlets, and journals on various topics, including politics, crime, religion, marriage, psychology, and the supernatural.
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Daniel Defoe's 'The History of the Pirates' is a gripping and detailed account of the ruthless world of pirates during the Golden Age of Piracy in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. Defoe's narrative style combines historical facts with vivid storytelling, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the brutal and adventurous lives of pirates. The book is written in a journalistic tone, reflecting Defoe's background as a journalist and pamphleteer, and is filled with rich descriptions of pirate activities, from plundering ships to daring escapes. The literary context of the book showcases Defoe's ability to blend fiction with history seamlessly, creating a captivating and informative read for those interested in maritime history and tales of piracy. Daniel Defoe, known for his seminal work 'Robinson Crusoe,' drew inspiration for 'The History of the Pirates' from his fascination with the criminal underworld and his deep research into piracy. Defoe's ability to provide intricate details and a realistic portrayal of piracy stems from his dedication to accuracy and his skill in crafting compelling narratives that resonate with readers. I highly recommend 'The History of the Pirates' to history enthusiasts, lovers of adventure tales, and anyone interested in the gritty reality of pirate life. Defoe's thorough research and engaging storytelling make this book a must-read for those looking to delve into the thrilling and dangerous world of pirates.
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Written in the form of an autobiography, it describes the life of the eponymous narrator Robinson Crusoe. After surviving a terrible shipwreck, Crusoe discovers he is the only human on an island far from any shipping routes or rescue. At first he is devastated, but slowly, with patience and imagination, he transforms his island into a tropical paradise. For twenty-four years he lives with no human companionship – until one fateful day, when he discovers he is not alone... „The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe” is of the most popular books ever written in the English language, published in innumerable editions and translated into almost every language of the world. Based on the real-life experiences of the castaway Alexander Selkirk, the book has had a perennial appeal among readers of all ages especially the young adult reading public who continue to find inspiration in the inventive resourcefulness of its hero.
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Robinson Crusoe was born in York in 1632 as the son of a merchant. He ignores its father's warnings and goes to sea, where it is caught by pirates. After an adventurous escape, he arrives in Brazil and quickly makes a considerable fortune through skilful trade and acquires a sugar plantation. To buy these new scalves, he makes his way to Guinea. Crusoe is the only member of the crew to survive a storm on this voyage. He is stranded on a remote island in the Orinoco estuary, where he tries to survive as best he can despite various adver-sities in order to be rescued.
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With a page-length title promising thrilling adventures in exotic locations, „Captain Singleton” is often viewed as an attempt by Defoe to capitalize upon the success achieved by „Robinson Crusoe”, which had been published a year earlier and had already merited a sequel. Defoe here offers a searching exploration of society from the point of view of its outcasts. The narrative describes the life of an Englishman, stolen from a well-to-do family as a child and raised by Gypsies who eventually makes his way to sea. The novel comprises two distinct halves. The first one is set in an east-west journey across central Africa, with a lot of not surprisingly dubious details of the wildlife, natives and scenery encountered. The second half involves piracies in diverse locations around the globe, including Brazil, the Indian Ocean and the Western Pacific. Originally was published in 1720, „The Life, Adventures and Piracies of the Famous Captain Singleton” is an absorbing and delightful tale.
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The Pirates of the High Seas - Know Your Infamous Buccaneers, Their Exploits & Their Real Histories serves as a compelling anthology that dives into the tempestuous lives of pirates, exploring this broad theme through a tapestry of literary styles ranging from historical analysis to swashbuckling narratives. This collection not only examines the alluring lore of piracy but also critically engages with the often-romanticized depictions, providing a thorough exploration of both the myths and realities associated with these maritime outlaws. Standout pieces within the anthology offer varying perspectives, from firsthand piratical encounters to scholarly retrospectives, creating a nuanced historical tapestry that intrigues and educates. The contributors, including notable historians and writers such as Daniel Defoe and Howard Pyle, bring a rich diversity of backgrounds to the anthology, collectively delving into the socio-political and cultural impacts of piracy across different eras. Their works resonate with historical movements and the evolution of maritime literature, offering readers a rigorous exploration of piracy's role in shaping maritime laws and economies. This assembly of voices not only illuminates the often opaque histories of famous buccaneers but also showcases the pervasive influence of these figures in popular culture and national histories. Ideal for both aficionados of maritime history and new explorers of the pirate legacy, this anthology delivers a comprehensive and engaging examination of piracy. Readers are invited to traverse the high seas through the pages of vivid anecdotes and rigorous research, discovering the multifaceted realities of these infamous adventurers. The Pirates of the High Seas beckons those who yearn to uncover the in-depth, real stories behind the legends, providing an indispensable resource for understanding the complex narratives that have shaped the portrayal of piracy through the ages.
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In Daniel Defoe's 'THE STORM - Unabridged,' readers are immersed in a tale of survival in the face of natural disaster. First published in 1704, this work showcases Defoe's vivid descriptive style and his ability to create a sense of urgency and danger. Set within the context of the Great Storm of 1703, the book provides a historical account of this devastating event through the eyes of those who lived through it. Daniel Defoe, best known for his novel 'Robinson Crusoe,' was a prolific writer who often drew inspiration from real-life events. His firsthand experience of the Great Storm of 1703 likely motivated him to pen this gripping account of the disaster. Defoe's attention to detail and his knack for storytelling make 'THE STORM' a compelling read for history buffs and literature enthusiasts alike. I highly recommend 'THE STORM - Unabridged' to readers who enjoy historical narratives and are interested in exploring the intersection of literature and natural events. Defoe's masterful storytelling and his ability to capture the essence of human resilience in the face of adversity make this book a timeless classic worth delving into.
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C’est l’un des livres les plus célebres de Daniel Defoe. Robinson Crusoé est un personnage littéraire classique. Le protagoniste passe vingt-huit ans sur une île déserte tropicale isolée pres de Trinidad, ou il rencontre des cannibales, des captifs et des rebelles. La principale question de l’histoire – si Robinson Crusoé peut sortir de l’île?
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Dieses eBook: "Zwei fesselnde Abenteuerromane: Robinson Crusoe von Daniel Defoe + Die Schule der Robinsons von Jules Verne" ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Robinson Crusoe ist ein Roman von Daniel Defoe, der die Geschichte eines Seemannes erzählt, der mehrere Jahre auf einer Insel als Schiffbrüchiger verbringt. Zur Inhalt: Auf einer Fahrt erleidet Robinson Crusoe bei einem Sturm in der Karibik Schiffbruch, den er als einziges Mitglied der Besatzung überlebt. Er strandet an einer abgelegenen Insel. Crusoe kann an den folgenden Tagen mit einem selbstgebauten Floß noch verschiedene Ausrüstungsgegenstände aus dem Schiffswrack retten, bevor er eines Morgens feststellen muss, dass es nach einem weiteren Sturm verschwunden ist. Robinson baut sich eine kleine Festung, in deren Schutz er lebt. Er beginnt, Getreide anzubauen, zu jagen und Kleidung aus den Fellen wilder Ziegen herzustellen. Die Schule der Robinsons ist ein Roman des französischen Autors Jules Verne. Zur Inhalt: Der Millionär William W. Kolderup ersteigert in San Francisco in einem Duell mit seinem Konkurrenten J. R. Taskinar aus Stockton für die Summe von 4.000.000 Dollar die Insel Spencer, die 862 km vor der Küste Kaliforniens liegt. Kolderup plant, seine sechzehnjährige Adoptivtochter Phina Halloney mit seinem ebenfalls bei ihm aufgewachsenen elternlosen Neffen Godfrey zu verheiraten. Bevor er eine Ehe eingeht, will Godfrey jedoch eine längere Weltreise machen und Abenteuer in der Art wie Robinson Crusoe erleben, da er bisher von der Welt eigentlich nur San Francisco kennt. Phina ist bereit zwei Jahre auf Godfrey zu warten.
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